Dear 1900 Barker,
attn. (owners names)
Your website homepage is your storefront window online. As an illustrator, animator, and digital designer, I can provide you:
— Homepage Illustration
— Social Tile Illustration
— Frame Animation (Snow, Twinkling Lights, etc.)
(Above: Sketch at Homepage/Header/Facebook Header ratio, with lines denoting full bleed)
These are some initial concept sketches for your illustrated storefront. Or, instead of a storefront… a feature of Dave & holiday items.
(Above: Social square format, sketch + rough color concepts.)
(Above: Rough color mock-ups of how the illustrations would look in their intended settings (social, onsite.))
Cost + Timeline
Cost estimate! Budget? ? ? ? Establish a tmeline!
Email me! (put a link here, damn, elise!)
My Previous Illustration Work
Previous work samples. See more on my Illustration Portfolio, Instagram, or Blog.